Reining, Priscilla [ed.], Kinship studies in the Morgan centennial year.
Reining, Priscilla [ed.], Kinship studies in the Morgan centennial year. Washington: Anthropological Society of Washington, 1972. x, 190 pages with bibliography. Paperback. 282 g* Papers based on lectures presented from Oct. through May at the 1970-71 monthly meetings of the Anthropological Society of Washington, D.C., commemorating the centennial of Lewis Henry Morgan's "Systems of consanguinity and affinity of the human family" (first pub. 1870 and later 1871). - Schwache Gebrauchsspuren. ISBN 0874747961 | ISBN-13 978-0874747961 | Reining Priscilla | Soziologie | Sociology | Lewis Henry Morgan | Ethnologie | Voelkerkunde | Ethnology | Anthropology